Tachyon Chamber

Tachyon Chamber

life-sustaining, and harmonizing force that originates from the moment of creation and the Infinite Source; Tachyon Chamber.  Tachyon particles, which move faster than light, can transform imbalances and restore optimal functioning on all levels of the human being by accessing the underlying Zero Point Energy and realigning the Subtle Organizing Energetic Fields. This allows Tachyon technology to have profound effects on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, rejuvenation, and longevity. The document emphasizes the seamless blending of science and spirituality that Tachyon technology represents, bridging the divide that humanity has historically maintained between these two domains of knowledge.

Key Concepts Tachyon Chamber 

  • Tachyon Energy: Tachyon energy is described as the most direct expression of the infinite consciousness of creation and the Source. It is the result of the Big Bang and the sudden expansion, making it the most connected to the Infinite Source. Tachyon particles vibrate at a subatomic level faster than the speed of light, and their energy passes through the Energetic Continuum to reach Earth, though the ionosphere acts as a veil that prevents much of it from penetrating our realm. Tachyon energy is said to have life-sustaining and harmonizing properties, which astronauts experience as "euphoria" when leaving Earth's atmosphere.

  • Tachyon Particles: Tachyon particles move faster than light and have no gravitational pull, so they cannot be altered or affected by other particles. They provide access to the Zero Point Energy, which is the fundamental energy source of the universe. Tachyon particles have the ability to transform imbalances in the body and restore systems to their optimal state on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and energetic.

  • Zero Point Energy: Zero Point Energy is the fundamental energy source of the universe that Tachyon particles provide access to. It is the energy that exists in the space between subatomic particles, even in a vacuum, and is the underlying foundation of all creation.

  • SOEF: SOEF stands for "Subtle Organizing Energetic Fields", which are the natural energy fields that shape and organize all matter. Tachyon energy realigns these SOEFs to their natural state of order and balance, thereby enabling well-being.

For Individuals:

  • Understanding Tachyon Energy: The concept of Tachyon energy, its origin, and its potential impact on the human energy field. This knowledge could be empowering for those seeking to improve their health and well-being.
  • Exploring Alternative Therapies: To explore Tachyon technology as a potential alternative or complementary therapy for various health concerns, including stress, fatigue, longevity and chronic pain.
  • Personal Growth and Development:  Tachyon energy can facilitate personal growth and spiritual development by aligning individuals with their Source self, promoting higher states of consciousness, and opening them up to oneness.

For Practitioners and Researchers:

  • Expanding Knowledge: A starting point for practitioners and researchers interested in understanding the potential of Tachyon technology in various fields, such as health, wellness, and spirituality.
  • Developing Applications: Inspire further research and development of Tachyon technology for specific applications, such as creating new healing modalities or enhancing personal growth programs.
  • Collaboration and Education: Foster collaboration and education among practitioners and researchers interested in exploring and understanding the potential of Tachyon energy.


Testimonies around the world;

Here are some of the best testimonies from people who have experienced sessions in Tachyon Chambers:

  1. Rapid Pain Relief and Relaxation: Sheldon Watson reported feeling "electrified" and experiencing quick relief from pain and discomfort during his Tachyon Chamber sessions. He mentioned that shifting his consciousness allowed the energy to flood in effortlessly, leading to a feeling of relaxation and healing​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)​.

  2. Enhanced Intuitive Abilities: Jay noted that while he didn't initially notice changes in his intuition, he later experienced heightened intuitive abilities, such as hearing his elderly mother calling him in his head. This newfound intuition helped him provide timely assistance when she needed it​ (Tachyon Power)​.

  3. Spiritual and Physical Healing: Zoran from Vancouver described the Tachyon Chamber as a tool that assists and accelerates healing and transformation. He found it helpful for improving physical health conditions and enhancing general well-being, leading to a more intuitive and calm state​ (Tachyon I AM Temple)​.

  4. Emotional and Mental Clarity: Various users, such as Cynthia M. from Exton, PA, and Cherise P. from Ambler, PA, reported significant emotional and mental benefits. Cynthia experienced smoother skin, better digestion, and increased energy, while Cherise noted the elimination of pain from sports injuries and a significant reduction in ADD symptoms​ (OmniQi)​.

  5. Unique Personal Experiences: Mother of Dragons from Vancouver shared that each session in the chamber provided different experiences, including sensations of warmth, tingling, and the presence of healing energy. She emphasized the chamber's effectiveness in providing emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual healing​ (Tachyon I AM Temple)​.


  1. Angel: "After awhile there was no body…there was a certain amount of body anxiety due to the condition and all that, but Whhooosh, I didn’t have to deal with any of that."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  2. Sheldon Watson: "It was interesting because you can heal yourself so very quickly any sort of pain, any sort of discomfort, you shift your consciousness even the slightest way to anything and the energy floods in effortlessly."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  3. Laura Lam: "It took me out of my body. My Body disappeared...it was really rejuvenating...Some of the achiness I had now it's starting to melt away...is dissipating. Tachyon is amazing."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  4. Tashi Lam: "It just removed your mind out of your body so that you can just leave your body alone to regenerate."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  5. Donna Whittington: "It's wonderful and incredibly relaxing. The rods (power rods) were so powerful, so very, very powerful. I feel like something nice is wrapped around me. I could feel the power, lots of power around me...but beautiful power."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  6. D.K. Gilbert, AZ: "The whole experience of being in the Tachyon Chamber was so much more than I had anticipated... The cells of my body all began to vibrate and it felt so good...like I was getting circulation to all the parts of my body that perhaps had mini blockages."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  7. Erin G. Chandler, AZ: "I left my body in the beginning, and then I came back to check on it. I found all was well, and so I was able to leave again."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  8. KaRin Varner: "I climbed to many levels of spiritual being. The time in the Chamber seemed like minutes but was much longer. I recommend this MAGICAL place and where it will take you on your journey."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  9. Chad Conway, Scottsdale, AZ: "I had an absolute amazing experience. But nothing is new I have an amazing experience every time I go. Thank you again! I will be back soon 100%."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  10. Paul L.: "I enjoyed immensely my 2 sessions in both chambers but Professional Chamber was the bomb. Hope to see you again in the near future."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  11. Karla Llarena: "Right after the session I could see better, I felt happier and just felt clearer overall. The session, coupled with my healing trip to Sedona has strengthened me and I feel like a new person."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  12. Julie La Magna: "When I first entered the Tachyon- chamber, I was surprised that the bright white light surrounding the chamber didn't stress my eyes. I was instantly made comfy and relaxed into the experience."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  13. Scott: "Really felt the energy. Thanks for the special experience. Great people with beautiful energy."​ (TACHYON CHAMBER)

  14. John: "I had a really good experience with the Tachyon chamber walking away feeling energized and refreshed. I can't wait to get back and have more sessions."​ (Tachyon Power)

  15. Jay: "My cells felt like they were reverberating and dancing in delight. The next day I was outside and heard my elderly mother calling me 'in my HEAD' -NOT my ears."​ (Tachyon Power)

  16. Marlys: "Once situated in the chamber, my eyes had only been closed for about 2-3 minutes, when I became aware of what seemed like white noise in my 'minds eye'... I was in the presence of an energy that I had never felt or seen before."​ (Tachyon Power)

  17. Jason: "After my sessions I felt rejuvenated, centered and calm. Prior to my sessions, I was run down, tired and fighting off a very bad cold. All of this changed for the better after being in the Chamber."​ (Tachyon Power)

  18. S.D.: "When I was handed the Mega Rods, I couldn't believe it. I am an energy worker -but never in my life have I ever experienced that kind of energy."​ (Tachyon Power)

  19. Pam from Vancouver, BC, Canada: "When Aurora was seeing me out the door, she said 'look over there, there you go' - and there was a van with the word 'Angel' on it!"​ (Tachyon I AM Temple)

  20. Theresa F. Boyertown, PA: "Every time I use the Tachyon Chamber, I experience something new. Lying in the light is always a pleasant experience. Sometimes it has been a brilliant blue or green centered in the middle of my forehead."​ (OmniQi)

These testimonies highlight the diverse and profound impacts experienced by individuals in Tachyon Chambers, ranging from physical pain relief and heightened intuition to emotional and spiritual healing. For more detailed accounts, you can visit the respective websites of Tachyon Chamber, Tachyon Power, Tachyon I AM Temple, and OmniQi.

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